The Great Experiment

I have been reading about nutrition.
About all the things I am doing wrong, and all the things I should be feeding my kids.
There was a big section about sprouts and how good they are for you.
I was at my local health food store and saw sprouting trays and thought I would give it a try.
It is tons cheaper than buying them at the store.
Also, they are great for food storage, it is a good way, in the winter time, to have very fresh produce.
First I soaked 4 tsp of alfalfa seeds over night.

Then I spread them in the tray, put the top on and set them in my pantry.
I rinsed them once that night before bed.
This is how they looked in the morning.
I rinsed them and set them back on the shelf.
I rinsed them another time that night.
(so twice, morning and night)

This is how they looked the next morning.
Day 3

This is the end product, Day 5!
Arent’ they perdy!
They will keep in the fridge for about 4 days, with daily rinsing.

Now the true experiment is if I can get my family to eat them…
I will let you know!