Going a Berrying

Is “berrying” even a word?

I don’t know if it is, but I like it, so I am going to pretend that it is.

I had the phrase “Lets go a’Maying” in my head whenever I thought about this post. Like “Let’s go a’Berrying”.


This year instead of buying raspberries at a fruit stand we took the kids to a real live pick your own berry patch and picked our own. We had so much fun, I think this is going to be a tradition. To find a pick-your-own patch near you you can go to this site: http://www.pickyourown.org/

Of all the kids I think our 2 year old was the best picker, he would fill his little pail then bring it to Dadzoo or I and say “I put in you bucket?” and dump his “waspbewies” into our bucket.

The older girls did a wonderful job too and filled their buckets, only eating a few.

(they promised it was only a few)

The little kids had the best advantage being that they were either at eye level to the berries or only had to look up to find them, where we had to look under the leaves.

(isn’t he handsome, I think he would make a good farmer)

The people who lived next door to the berry patch had deer, and of coarse the kids couldn’t stay away. The people who owned the patch let the kids throw apples to the deer.

We had an enjoyable evening and the family that owned the patch were super nice. We picked 20 pounds of berries (yipee!). We also took home 15 ears of corn, a few onions, pepper and tomatoes! We had a wonderful time, it made me really long for a little farm of my own.


Of all the things I prattle on about, Dadzoo only gets mentioned sometimes. Funny thing, I talk about all the stuff that is the most important to me, and yet the person I love the most has yet to be the subject of a post. Maybe it is because I love him so much and he is so dear to me I keep him close. Finding the words to express my love and admiration for him seem daunting, I could never truly express the way I feel about him.

This is Dadzoo, my guy. 12 years ago we met and after a whirl wind 2 weeks we were engaged. I remember the night I got down on my knees and asked my Heavenly Father if he was the one I should marry. The answer was so clear to me, I never looked back since and my life has been abundantly blessed. Four months later we were married and 6 weeks after that I became pregnant with our first daughter.

Dadzoo is a varied man, he does many things and has many interests, most of those involve church, family and local politics. He doesn’t golf, hike or bike, he reads, develops web sites, studies politics and plays with our kids. He would probably describe himself as a boring computer geek, but he is so much more.

He follows a long with all my hair-brained ideas and embraces the thing that are important to me. He understands my need to create and nurture and grow and learn.

Life hasn’t always been peaches and cream for us. We have had many ups and downs, but through it all Dadzoo has always loved me. He has been through some very hard time and the last few years have been big years of growth for him. It has been wonderful watching him become the person he is now, and I love him all the more for it.

A little more of "The Story"

We were off to the Doctor’s office. It was a painful ride for Dadzoo, every bump and turn he would silently grimace, as his face became whiter and whiter. He would lay his head back and close his eyes; Sister H and I were constantly asking him “you still there?” “You O.K.” He would say “yes” weakly and I was just praying that we would get to the Doctors with out any delays.

Once we arrived I did something I have never before in my life done, I parked in a handicap spot. Sister H stayed with Dadzoo while I ran in to check us in and get a wheelchair. The office staff was wonderful, they got us right into the examine room, the nurse was so kind and gentle and questioned us thoroughly. The PA gave Dadzoo an excellent examination. He made Dadzoo get up on the examine table, but was so helpful and patient. He poked and prodded the bad knee and moved it all over the place, even in ways it really shouldn’t be able to move.

He determined that Dadzoo had pulled/torn all the ligaments on the inside of his knee joint, he didn’t say much more than that, leaving a better diagnosis up to the orthopedic doctor.

He was watching Dadzoo really closely as he was moving and examining him, Dadzoo was having a hard time again, the examine was really painful and he started doing the light-headed thing again, even though he was lying down.

Then the PA started to ask some really scary questions:

Have you been having chest pains? Well not, really

Have you had tightness in your chest? Yes, I have asthma, it gets tight a lot
Pain in your face or jaw? Yes, I have had a cold and my face has really been hurting

Pain in your left arm? Um, yeah…I guess I have

What about right before you fell, any of those symptoms? No, no more than usual

My heart was sinking, I felt stunned. I knew what the PA was getting at and I felt like it couldn’t be true. A heart attack?! No way, Dadzoo is 38; he isn’t in the greatest health, but, no way! I prayed hard, really hard, please, please no!

The PA took his blood pressure and pulse again, they were normal and he listened to his heart. He then ordered an EKG and told us he would be back in a bit. The nurse came in and did it right there in the room and a few minutes later the PA was back.

Everything was good.

Dadzoo’s heart is healthy.

He determined that the passing out was a reaction to the pain killers he had been taking. Dadzoo passes out easily when he is in pain anyway and this particular pain medication can make a person light headed. So he prescribed him something different and a little more powerful, encouraged us to still see the Orthopedic Doctor and sent us home.Once we were home and he took a dose of his new medicine things really starting looking better. His color came back and his pain was managed a little better, and the next time I took him to the bathroom he didn’t feel faint at all.

He still had to stay off his leg and foot; he has made permanent residence on the couch with ice packs and pillows. He was able to get the last week in December off too, he will be going negative two days into his Paid-Time-Off and if he needs to take more time off, he will have to go on short term disability. We will know more on the 30th.