
Today, the 24th of May, we woke up to this!
It is still snowing, if fact since I took these pictures and posted them the storm has picked up and there is a lot more snow on the ground. Bleck!

As of now the only plants I have lost are the Basil, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that the tomatoes will survive.


Baking Pies

This year I had vision of a beautiful rustic Thanksgiving dinner, my table loaded with locally grown, in season produce, whole food, free range turkey and made-from-scratch everything.

So I thought I would share my pumpkin pie recipe with y’all. It is wonderful, easy and tastes perfect every time.

Step one involves getting into my carbon powered vehicle and driving to my locally owned grocery store. (Does that count as local?)

When I am there I purchase a Marie Callender’s pie, which isn’t a local company, but it was originally started by a lady in California, so at least it sorta came from my side of the Mississippi.

Then read the directions, turn on the oven and pop it in for the allotted time.

At least it was baked in my oven.

And, if you are a food snob like me try to not read the ingredients.

Soy? I mean really, which of our grandmothers put soy in their pies! So much for whole foods…oh wait, I wasn’t going to look.

Pack it away in the refrigerator until it is time to be served.

I will add a dollop of whipped cream from Jersey cows that graze on grass year round (or hay in the winter, no corn, soy or animal by-products for these lucky gals) on a little farm in Redmond Utah, about a hundred miles south of my (according to locavores, people who only eat local foods, 100 miles is an acceptable distance) city. This milk is unprocessed, no pasteurisation and is loaded with vitamin A and B and enzymes, that are normally not present in corn fed and pasteurized milks.

So I guess my pie sorta, kinda, qualifies in a round about way.

Oh, but they are yummy!

What is your favorite pie, and do you make it from scratch or take the cheater way like I do.

Sweet Tooth

Last week I stole Punk #3 from school and whisked her away for a surprise lunch, celebrating her 7th birthday. She was so excited as we were driving into town to meet Dadzoo at IHOP for her favorite pancakes. When Punk #3 gets excited she chatters away without hardly taking a breath. I try not to zone her out but it is a little hard and she doesn’t really notice as long as I insert the appropriate “um-huh” in the correct places. As she was just a chit-chatting on the drive something she said caught my attention.

“Mom, my tooth is wiggly, someday I am going to lose my sweet tooth, then I won’t like candy or cookies or cake or anything, that will be the day I start to like vegetables, I wonder when that will happen?” (imagine big breathless run-on sentence.)

“lose your sweet tooth? which tooth is that?”

“I don’t know, but I will find out when I start to like vegetables, Mom when did you lose yours?”

Trying so hard not to bust out laughing I said “I don’t think I ever did!”