The Love of my Life

Sometimes you are just going along in life.
Not noticing much, just plugging along.
Taking care of the house and
all the little things that have to be
done with the kids.
Everything is good
the days are normal
he goes to work
you send him off with a kiss
you greet him with a kiss
there is dinner
bath time
mommy time
daddy time

and then it hits you

out of the blue
you look over and it is like you are noticing him again for the first time
and you realize
“I love that man!”

I had one of those moments today

I hate to vacuum up those stairs
and he did it for me tonight

I walked past

and he looked up at me and I thought

“I love that man!”

6 thoughts on “The Love of my Life

  1. I would love that man too! My husband is so much like that. Picking up after me, scrubbing toilets, ironing his own shirts! WE SURE ARE LUCKY!!!!

  2. He’s a’keeper’and don’t you forget it..even when he slurps his soup!