Parenting Tip

I love little parenting and housekeeping tips.
It is a good way to learn from others and to improve yourself.

Today I have a little parenting tip of my own

You ready?

This is a really, really good one.


Ok, here goes…

“When your 1 year old falls to sleep on the cold kitchen floor, he is really tired and you should put him/her to bed.”

Isn’t that great!

(you like that crumb stuck to his head? Sheeze what kind of mother lets her baby crawl around on a messy floor!)

Now seriously, I have to explain myself a little. Usually Baby Boy Punk has two naps. One in the early morning and a long one in the afternoon.

I had a Dr. appointment with Punk #1 at 3:00, which meant that I needed to leave the house a little after 2 to pick her up from school and be into the Dr.’s on time. So I decided to skip his morning nap and put him to bed a little earlier than usual so he could get a good solid two hours before we had to run into town to see the Dr.

His morning nap is from 9 to 10 (I wake him up at ten, I love my afternoons too much to let him sleep any longer) Afternoon nap start about 12:00-12:30 depending on the day. He passed out on the kitchen floor at 11:00, poor kid! He was so close to bed! I was going to feed and put him in his soft crib right at 11:00!

I was staring to wonder if he really needed his morning naps anymore, I guess this answered my question!

8 thoughts on “Parenting Tip

  1. That is classic! I love it! Kids have a way of doing their own thing despite what we’ve got planned for the day…And the crumb on his head shows us all you’re human and not perfect! What a relief!

  2. I have a love/hate relationship with nap time.
    #1 NONE of my kids would take one after 2 years. Ugh
    #2 I love the time they sleep, because you can get so much done, but
    #3 If anything changes your schedule by a few minutes- if throws off their nap time and then you have grouchy kids all day.
    At least you got cute pics out of it. He looks pretty adorable there on the floor!

  3. LOL I’m pretty sure we’ve all had that happen! I sure miss the good old days when the kids still took naps.

  4. Aren’t they cute when they are asleep. Just kidding he is always cute. Does the crumb mean he got lunch?

  5. I love how little children can fall asleep like that, and be dead to the world somewhere totally uncomfortable. Thanks for sharing.


  6. Aimee,

    This photo is too classic – and way too cute! What a handsome little lad you have there! Isn’t it amazing how us adults need to get so comfy to fall asleep but little ones can hit the snooze in any position? :o)