Unintended Blog Break


It has been over two weeks since I posted anything, I really didn’t intend on taking any kind of break from blogging, it just happened. 🙂  Being the end of May we are busy with a thousand little tasks and a few big ones.  School will be out for the summer in 4 days, and I look forward to that, I love lazy unstructured days of summer, but, getting to that point creates a lot of work it seems.  Testing has to be done, projects finished, school programs and play and parties are all to be had, it is a lot of fun busyness.  We have also had soccer games and practices, a piano recital to prepare for and a garden to try to get planted (more on that later, it has been a struggle this year).    All the while I have been quietly moving into the final weeks of my pregnancy.  I have seven(ish) weeks to go, moving into the “big” phase where every movement seems to be a bit of a struggle.  I also tend to worry a lot around this time, will I have everything ready, what needs to be done, will I be able to do this, what if something goes wrong, can I do an unmediated birth, can I push her out, and will my legs (varicose veins, which are starting to be painful) hold out.  Dadzoo is kind and patient, he reminds me that I always get a little frantic around this time and that I have delivered five babies already, I will be able to do this one as well. 🙂  Speaking of preparing for the baby, we have purchased all the essential baby gear, replacing everything we got rid of after number 5 was born and we thought we were done, it has been fun to have all new stuff.  We are working (or hiring it out) on remodeling the nursery, the new crown molding, bead-board and trim is all up and waiting to be painted.  Now I am working on collecting the little things, a baby quilt, sheets, a nursing cover, a car seat cover and various other items. (A trip to the fabric store is in the works).  So that is what is going on in my little world, nothing new, no new projects or crafts, just quietly going about my business and anticipating the arrival of Little Sister.

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