Some odds and ends

When we moved in this lovely kitchen light came with the house.

I have always hated it.

When we painted I figured it would be a good time to finally replace the light.

I like this much better.
What do you think?

8 thoughts on “Some odds and ends

  1. The family calls it the Mother Ship. If you look at it from under the light, it looks like a GIANT UFO landing in the kitchen.

  2. I do like the new one better, but I understand living with the old one for so long. We’ve lived with a few unsightly fixtures over the years too.

  3. I really like the frosted-marbled glass look. We had a fixture in our bedroom that was similar, and I loved it. Looks great!

  4. Looks great. We once bought a house based almost entirely on the beautiful vintage light fixture in the dining room. OK, that wasn’t the biggest reason, but it did make us take notice.

  5. Guess what? I’ve gotten the exact fixture hanging over my kitchen table.
    So, I like the new one much better. 🙂