The Spring Clean

I am finally back to my SPRING clean. It has been a wet, rainy day around here, so my flowers and gardens weren’t calling to me and things were really quiet around here for a few hours, so I decide to TACKLE a couple of cupboards.
Here are a couple of before shots. I am famous for just shoving things into cupboards. Each item has a specific cupboard they belong in, and each cupboard has a theme, I am just not so good at put things away neatly!

I also DECIDED that I wanted to participate for the first time in “Making your Home a Haven Monday” over at so I needed to take some before and after pictures.

Here are the “before pictures”

When we moved in 7 years ago this shelf (picture below) was never installed. I finally got around to alerting PIC of the problem and he had it fixed in about 30 minutes I really should have had him do that soonerhmmmm.

Here are the after pictures. I threw away some stuff, but mainly I just put things in a proper order. The trick will be keeping it that way! HA!

For more ideas and pictures of what other ladies have done head over to Biblical Womanhood

4 thoughts on “The Spring Clean

  1. Looks great! It always feels good to have things nice and organized, even if it is only for a minute!!

  2. That’s been one of the good things about moving. As of the MOMENT everything is put away nice and neatly. (the things that ARE put away that is.) Congrats on making such great headway.

  3. Yay! Congratulations.

    I gave my kids’ bathroom a good clean today. Three sons who can’t aim — yuck!
