Time Marches On

Even though I feel as if the world has and should stop
it hasn’t,
and life goes on,
seasons change,
children grow,
and the pain
it’s folded up neatly in your heart
as you put on a smile for the world.

Autumn has come to the farm, and we’ve been busy harvesting, preserving, and winterizing everything.  I have lots of pictures and a few posts to add in the next few days.  For now here are a few pictures, showing what we have been up to.

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12 thoughts on “Time Marches On

  1. Praying for you Aimee. Loss of one you love is always hard, but I cannot even imagine the loss of a baby. My mom knew this loss; my best friend lost her son while he was still an infant. They would better know what to say to you to help you through the pain and loss you are feeling and, I know, will continue to feel. All I can offer to you are my continued prayers that God will extend His grace, perfect love and comfort to you and your family.
    Blessings, Aimee
    PS: Your photos are beautiful; your words deep with meaning and so very true.