Babies, Babies, Babies


The month of October was a big baby month for my family, both my sisters gave birth to bouncing baby boys!  With their births it made 15 grandchildren for my parents. 

 We are so blessed.

The three newest little ones, all born within three months, wearing winter hats made by Grandma.

Over the Thanksgiving weekend we, along with most of my family (missing one brother and his wife) took a trip to South Dakota to see my sister, her family and the newest little one.  We had such a good time, there were 25 people at my sisters house, it was loud and messy (there were 15 kids there!) and so much fun.  We enjoyed being able to spend time with family that lives so far away.

The youngest of the bunch, in his blessing outfit, we were so happy that we were able to be there for his blessing.

2 thoughts on “Babies, Babies, Babies

  1. How awesome! The picture of the three newest little ones is the sweetest I’ve seen. Congrats to you all and yes you are all so blessed. What a handsome one in his blessing outfit.