Family Logistics, Week 3

Last week I set for myself three new goals to work on along with the previous weeks goals.  To quickly review, my three new goals were: work on my housekeeping binder, do my weekly schedule and establish a morning routine.  There were a couple bumps in the road, Monday night I had a sick child, so Tuesday was spent caring for my boy and catching up on lost sleep, even though my day wasn’t as ambitious as I had planned I still was able to work on my kitchen getting it cleaned and doing one small extra job.  I found that working my weekly schedule made my days more organised, structured, and  efficent.  I found that as I was going about my tasks, with the order my schedule had created, I found joy and satisfaction in my work. 

 I did find establishing a firm morning routine quite a struggle, my morning hours change so much depending on when the baby wakes up and wants to be fed, I also have a hard time waking  up and getting the energy to get going in the morning.  My inclination is to nap for an hour or so after the big kids get off to school and I struggle with this, at times I feel I really need it, I am nursing a baby after all, but other times I see all the wasted time that I should be getting up and getting about my day.  In pondering on this I have come to see that my late hours are a big part of my problem.  My baby sleeps 12 hours at night, there is plenty of time for me to get my rest, but I find that I enjoy those late night hours when the house is quiet and I get to indulge a little on the things I want, but at the same time I am not rested like I should be….I will be thinking, pondering and praying over this.

My housekeeping binder is organised and ready to go.  I have been using it and loving it! 

So for this next week my three goals will be, along with previous on going goals:

1.  Ponder, study and pray about my sleeping schedules, do I nap in the mornings. or go to bed earlier, which is better for me and my family?

2. Continue to work my weekly schedule and tweak it where needed.

3. Contine to establish a firm moring routine, I think I need to relax my expectations a little in this area.

I have a couple of friends that have joined me in establishing routines in their lives, so they can better live their lives.  If you would like to read what they are doing you can go here: Aimee@ On the Mountainside and Sassy@ Keepin’ it Rural in the US

4 thoughts on “Family Logistics, Week 3

  1. I struggle with mornings too–I am, by nature, more a afternoon-evening-night person (who loves the quiet of the late eve too). I am trying to overcome this as it creates problems (my DH is a morning person) and I too think of all the wasted morning hours. So far I have had mixed results on changing my ‘natural’ schedule.
    the photo of your bread is making me really hungry–I can almost imagine eating a piece of it, warm from the oven with melted butter on it…yum:)
    Be blessed,

  2. I get up early and enjoy getting things done in the mornings! I do enjoy evenings with the husband but I am so tired at night that I now naturally fall asleep earlier than I used to. And do be flexible with your schedule. You can’t live all time adhering to a schedule. Or if you are sticking to it firmly…that’s fine as long as you’re still enjoying life at the same time!

  3. Wellllll, lets see, it’s 10:53 am and I’m still in my PJ’s sitting on the couch having my second cup o joe and reading your blog. I am in a good mood and feel pretty good but I’m saying to myself… take it a bit easy today girl.

    I am or USED to be a morning person, just loved getting up early and enjoying the quiet time while everyone else was not up yet and getting some things done. I’m not a late night person either, BUT and that’s a big BUT I find myself staying up a little later these days. It’s called menopause, life/health changes & empty nest that changes your life, so my body doesn’t know what in the world is going on.. so it’s confused. Or it knows and I’m confused. What ever it is, it’s like a roller coaster as is with your lives too.

    Don’t be too hard on yourself momzoo and I see you’re talking about possible changes in schedule as you go along so it sounds like you have it together, you know when to stop, breath and make a change. We have to do it first to find out, right… that’s how we learn 🙂

    I’ll be posting about my first week too and it hasn’t gone exactly how the schedule reads, but baby steps and I like you, knew that it wasn’t going to be perfect. Although that sure would be nice 😉

  4. Pingback: Family Logistics, Week 4