Eating an Elephant

I think I have finally tipped over the edge into insanity.

I am insanily
in love
and unorganized

Sounds like I just had a baby or something…..

Baby Sister will be four weeks old this Friday (where did the time go!) and I think it is time to gather up all my insanity and start working towards sanity.  Now I know I have a small baby and a bunch of other kids hanging around, and that life won’t be normal (whatever that is) for sometime and that is ok, but I need some order around here so I can function with a little sanity.  I am totally finding life overwhelming right now, where do I start to reclaim some of the order that I use to find in my home, when everything feels so out of control?  I am reminded of the saying “How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.”  That is what I am going to do, eat my elephant, one bite at a time.  Each day I am going to set  a small goal for myself, something that needs to be done and can be done, and I am also going to remind myself of all the things I am doing.  Yesterday I was able to get all the laundry done, the kitchen didn’t get cleaned, but that is ok, considering I kept the baby fed, my family fed everyone was bathed and I was able to hold baby sister when she needed me. 

When all is said and done, I am doing pretty darn good.

What are the elephants in your life,
and how to you tackle them?

4 thoughts on “Eating an Elephant

  1. I’ll be trying to eat an elephant come Dec. I’m already preparing myself for the adjustment of adding baby #5.
    I recently bought a book (you can get off Amazon) and have LOVED it. It’s called “The Large Family Logistics.” I’ve found it to be very encouraging, motivating, and suggestions so helpful. Yes, some of it seems to be a…”duh, I knew that.” But it’s always nice to be reminded, and know we aren’t alone in our insanity. 🙂

    KA @ Our Thrifty Nest

    • Kris, I have that book, I bought it the same time you did and I LOVE it! I have a big fat blog post stewing in my head about that book. I am going to start using her suggestions (I was before baby came) but I have to figure out which things I am going to do first, right now jumping inot everything again is very overwhelming 😉