Shaking Off the Cobwebs

After being on a modified bedrest for the past month I was itching to get off of it and get back to all the little and big things I needed to get done. 

I feel little lost now, not knowing where I should start and what I should get done first.  I feel like I have a list a mile long, and that I am not able to organize myself enough to any of it done!  I just want to forget the huge list and lay around all day!   I feel like my head is full of cobwebs and I want to shake them out and get on with preparing for little sister to come.

How do you pull yourself out of a rut?
Today I made butter in my blender from wonderful grass fed raw milk, this is the best time of year to make butter when the cows are eating all the fresh new grass, the butter is packed with vitamins! 

5 thoughts on “Shaking Off the Cobwebs

  1. I wish we could buy raw milk in my state. We could technically buy a share of a cow and get milk that way, but the FBI raided an Amish farm last year and it just makes me nervous. Your butter looks great :o)

  2. Looks yummy, I have been buying milk and butter from a local farm and it looks so healthy right now with all the green they are able to eat.

    Looks like you've been busy with the garden etc. We have too makes tired and sore muscles but its so worth it.

    Love Erika

  3. Oh how I am wishing for a nice, long chat with you! I am also feeling like things have fallen SO far behind that I don't know if/when I'll ever catch up. Gardens to prepare, curriculum to catch up on, cleaning to do, projects to finish or even start… And it seems like some big thing is always in the way. I'm afraid for yet another year we won't get any spring veggies. I think the best place to start is to prioritize, then be okay with the things we can't get to because we DID do the most important things.