There Is Hope

I think I have about had it with this winter.
First, lots of snow
then, lots of smog and fog
now, subzero temperatures.
All while battling morning sickness and pregnancy fatigue.

I think that bears have the right idea, go to sleep during the pretty colors of autumn, and wake up the first part of spring, skip winter altogether!

As I was sitting at my kitchen table writing blog posts and skimming through pictures on my computer I came across some pictures I took this past spring and summer.  It was like a breath of promise and hope…this winter will not last forever!  Not only will there be green, and colors and my vegetable garden again, there will be a new baby, there are so many wonderful things to look forward to this year, so no more gloom for me, only looking forward.

I thought I would share some of my nuggets of hope.

3 thoughts on “There Is Hope

  1. That's why I keep my desktop background photo of something summery-even in the dead of winter-to remind me that beautiful weather WILL come again.