How to Core a Pear

It sees kind of funny to me, that in all the canning I do I have never worked with pears before.  Since I have never canned pears, or watched someone can pears I had to learn how to peel and core a pear.  It was really very simple and I will just let my pictures speak a thousand words for me.

5 thoughts on “How to Core a Pear

  1. Huh. I would have never thought to do it that way. I usually cut it into quarters & then slice the core out in the same way I do an apple. Amazing how often there's a bunch of ways to get a job done!

  2. Put some brown sugar and nuts in the hole where the core used to be and cook it in a skillet – it's awesome!

  3. Great post~ I learned from watching my mom. You'll have to try making pineapple pear jam…good stuff.

  4. My mother has always made "Pear Salad" which is: sliced pears with a dallop of mayonnaise in the middle and topped with shredded cheddar cheese. Sounds strange, but it's good!