
We are bacon people.

Love, love, love Bacon!

However, I really don’t like to fry it up. The splattering grease and burned fingers and arms, not fun!

I found a fabulous way to cook bacon that is mess and pain free.

You ready for this?

in the
Yeah, in the oven!

Lay your strips of bacon on a cookie sheet

Put in a 350 degree oven and let it cook for about 10-15 minutes (or longer) until your bacon is cooked the way you like it.

Easy Peasy.

10 thoughts on “Bacon!

  1. Does it really come out just as well? I've always placed oven bacon in that really rubbery fake bacon category. If it does turn out the same, I am totally following suit.

  2. I do this to and I love it. No grease everywhere you can do the whole pack at once and do something else while your waiting for it.

    I use my broil pan so the fat drains off. I will do this with hamburgers as well when it is to windy to do the grill or its raining. I like to cookout the old fashion way on an open fire so if the wind is blowing to much or its rainy I can't cook outside on the open pit. The broil pan works great.


  3. We always had oven cooked bacon growing up. It does still turn out nice and crispy. We use a broiler pan just like Erika mentioned so most of the grease drips through.

  4. Great idea, I'll be coming back to this one. It seems like I knew about this once and forgot (how? I don't know … probably in the brain cells lost during pregnancy).

  5. That's how my mom always made bacon because it takes way too long to make it in a skillet for a big family!

  6. My brother would do that when he worked for a restaurant. It took a lot of the cooking time off of the bacon and got a lot of it ready at one time.