Spring Cleaning

I know a good portion of the country is up to their eye balls (literally) in snowy cold.
Around my parts February is turning out to be pretty mild. The days have been in the 40’s and sunny. On days like this I start to get the spring cleaning bug.

Does anyone else get this bug?

When do you usually start spring cleaning?

How do you do you spring cleaning?

One big fat week of cleaning, or do you do small jobs over a month?

5 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning

  1. I started our spring cleaning at the beginning of Jan I just go room by room and do a little at a time. I should be finished with it this week.

    I move everything and dust, wipe down the walls, declutter, etc. Our spring will be peeping its head up here in about a month.

    I like to have it all done by the end of Feb so I have no interruptions to planting the garden etc.

    This year I put a little list on the sidebar on my blog and have been crossing it off as I have done it.


  2. Oh would it be lovely to spring clean! *B* is currently shoveling the sidewalk for the third time tonight. Enjoy the balmy weather :o)

  3. I normally try to clean all year in such a way that I don't have to do a big spring cleaning. I have a checklist of monthly, semi-annual and annual things that need to be done and work from that, usually. However, since this last pregnancy knocked so much out of me and then since having the baby, I have not been keeping up with my lists for awhile. So this week I am attempting a spring like cleaning. Going from room to room. Hopefully once I get caught back up I can return to my lists and keep up with things.
    And I wish it was in the 40s! With wind chill it is below zero right now. And lots of blowing snow too.

  4. I like to small projects over time so that I don't get overwhelmed. I usually get all the things I was going to throw away ( clothes, old cell phones, nick-knacks ) and sell them on ebay. I live in Los Angeles so our weather conditions are very different, it's 85 degrees right now (-: