My Newest Favorite Kitchen Tool

Last week I bought a new blender, something that I have been wanting for a long time. I had a pretty good blender before, however I wanted to be able to do green smoothies and most blenders can’t handle kale, spinach and chard. I have wanted to get a Blendtec blender for almost a year, but had a hard time forking over the money. While I was shopping last Friday at Costco Blentec was doing a road show and I stopped to watch and ended up buying one.

I have really loved my blender, I think I have used it at least twice everyday if not more. It can do some many things and is easy to use and clean up.

One thing that really sold me on this blender was its ability to grind grains.

I have a wheat grinder, it has two big stones and weighs about 40 pounds, so I only get it out when need to and I grind a bunch of grain at a time. The thing about grains is that the second they are cracked or ground they start to lose vital nutrients. If flour is stored in the freezer it help slow that process, but I never had enough room to store my flour in the freezer. I have loved this blender because it is quick and easy to just grind what I need when I need it.

This morning I ground a cup of rye into flour so I could add it to my sourdough start.
(sorry the picture is so weird looking, the light wasn’t do good in my kitchen this morning)

The blender is pre-programed for almost anything you could want, and yes it does make a really yummy soft serve ice cream.

Mostly I use this blender for smoothies. I really like my smoothies. I have a hard time eating breakfast, I am not hungry in the mornings and the thought of eating oatmeal or pancakes makes me a little sick. Typically in the morning I eat a smoothie, and I would go through blenders like crazy, most blenders out there aren’t made to take blending frozen fruits and ice everyday, I easily would buy a new blender every year if not a little more. My Blendtec blender comes with a 7 year warranty, I figure it can handle my smoothie addiction.

I like my smoothies yogurt based, the benefits of yogurt are huge also the fat and protein in yogurt give my smoothie staying power so I don’t become hungry before lunch time. I thought I would share one of my typical smoothies. My smoothies change from day to day depending on my mood and what fruits I have available.

First I start with a cup of homemade whole milk yogurt.

Then a cup and a half of frozen fruit. Today I picked blueberries. Blueberry are very nutritious and full of anti-oxidants and other macronutrients.

I drizzle a little Agava Nectar or honey. Only a little, even the “good” sweeteners need to be used in moderation.

I also added about a cup of fresh grapes, they add a nice sweet crisp flavor and are very good for you.

At the very end I add a little coconut oil, about a teaspoon. Coconut oil is very good for you too, if you would like to read more about benefits of coconut oil go here.

All I have to do at this point is hit the “smoothie” button and the blender does all the work. I don’t even have to open the blender and push down the fruit.

(here is my new love at work)

The finished product, a tall glass of yummy goodness that has all the servings of fruit I need for the day, plus a serving of dairy.

Another thing I love about this blender is its easy clean up.

I just add a little water to the bottom and hit the “pulse” button a couple of time and it is completely rinsed out.

At this point I dump the water out, give it a quick rinse in the sink and it is clean. At the end of the day I do put it in the dish washer, everything is dishwasher safe.

One of my pet peeves about blenders is the cleaning. Having to take apart everything and cleaning the blade, trying not to lose the rubber seal, then trying to find the seal when I am ready to use it again.

Well this little wonder blender is all one piece.

It all goes, blade, rubber seal and all into the dishwasher.
love that!

If you read this far you probably feel as if you are reading and infomercial.
I just love this blender, it is my new favorite thing, and I wanted to tell you all about it.

Join me next friday for “Favorite Things Friday”

8 thoughts on “My Newest Favorite Kitchen Tool

  1. This thing does make some good smoothies. I am not a big fan of green smoothies, but they can be tasty. The kids love the green smoothies.

    Hey, and it even makes ice cream. 🙂

  2. Awesome! My brother in-law bought one of these like 3/4 yrs ago, and it still runs great. Might have to put one on the ole' wish list…lol!
    Blessings, Fine Linen

  3. I would love to get one of these. I hardly ever use my blender, but I've already gone through a couple in only five years. Crazy people like me who want to crack grains in their blender should only get the best, I guess.

    Have you seen the Will It Blend YouTube movies? They're hilarious.

  4. I am suprised my Wal-Mart blender I got when we were married still works after blending lots of ice and frozen fruit. I've seen those blenders before but don't have the money to fork out. Congrats on the blender!

  5. I'd love to have a blender like that. Actually, I'd love to have a blender at all. Right now I have a tiny single-serving size smoothie maker that can't handle frozen things, and my food processor. Is it quiet? *B*'s and my sleeping schedules are somewhat opposing, and I'm always afraid to wake him up.

  6. I don't even want to look this up to see how much it costs. It sounds amazing.
    I need a blender. Don't have one at all right now and would be happy with even a cheap one.