Making Soap

Fall time is soap making time, at least once all the canning is done!

There really is a particular reason I pick this time of year to make soap and it has to do with the amount of daylight and the temperature outside.

I use lye in my soap making and lye gives off some pretty nasty fumes at first, I like to be able to keep the windows open to let the fumes disperse. In the winter it is too cold and in the summer it is too hot!

I could make soap in the springtime, but the days are getting longer and my attention is focused outside planting my gardens.

The picture above is my soap in its mold the morning after I made it.

I pop it out of the mold in one big solid block.

And cut it up into neat squares.

The soap then needs to sit for six weeks or more to cure and harden. Then it becomes wonderful soap that I use for everything, from washing my face to washing dishes and laundry. This is wonderful stuff!

This link is where I got my recipe and know-how from.

Why make my own soap?

Well, it is about getting back to a slow self sustaining life. I know I can run to Walmart and purchase soap for a lot less than I can make it at home. That soap will also be full of chemical and synthetic fragrances. The natural occurring glycerins are pulled out of the soap and petroleum based moisturisers are added back in. With homemade soaps I know exactly what is going on my skin and on my children’s skin. This soap seems to last longer too, I only need about 4 batches to get me through the year, and I use it for household cleaning too not just for bathing.

It also makes a really fun impromptu gift for any occasion.

Have a wonderful day!

10 thoughts on “Making Soap

  1. Aimee, you are too much (I mean that in a good way). Still following you around via cyber space taking notes.

  2. You are amazing! I have thought of making my own soap but just have never done it. I do make my own dishwasher soap and laundry soap but have never attempted bar soap. One of these days I will.

  3. I haen't tried this for years, because I can't find lye anymore. Do you have a good source. I like your mold, too.

  4. I haen't tried this for years, because I can't find lye anymore. Do you have a good source. I like your mold, too.

  5. I have always wanted to try this, but didn't know where to start. Thanks you SO much for posting this. I am going to give it a try! Thanks!

  6. I absolutly LOVE your soap! I am very stingy and only use it for my face and my bath! I know if I shared I would never see it again!

  7. Hi Aimee…Can you tell me what measurements you used in this. I went to the link and was a bit confused. Thanks!

  8. Can you tell me where you got your mold from? I've never made soap before and am a bit intimidated. I would be grateful for any help you can offer.

  9. Okay, you did post about it. Looking at the date though I was probably too busy with the newborn and not reading blogs. Glad I found the post now. 🙂