Morning, Part Deux

Answering some questions about our morning schedule

My good friend Katie said:

What time do the kiddies head off for the bus. It’s always been between 7:30 and 8:00 to get the kids out the door around here (and this year it’s about 7:15 for the oldest), so I can’t even IMAGINE getting up early enough to do all you do. We have a morning devotional, get dressed, make a good breakfast, etc. but it makes me tired to even think of adding instrument practice and steward ships done as well. My kids are slow-goers and need a lot of time to do what they have to do or there are melt downs. One of my friends has a similar routine to yours and they have to get up at 5:00 to get it all done. Yikes! You are amazing!

I have one child that has to catch the bus in the morning, we leave the house at 8:30 and while the older kids are watching the little kids I walk her to the bus stop. My homeschooled kids don’t start school until 9:30, so there is plenty of time to get our stuff done in the morning. If I had to have the kids out by 7:00 the schedule would adjust! My 2nd grader and Kindergartner get home at 4:00, so free time in the afternoon is limited, considering dinner is at 6:00.

One of my favoritest blogging buddies Erika said:

That’s cute. We have a different way we do it but same concept but I like the neatness of the way you put it together. And stewardship sounds much better than chores! I think our chore wheel will be called the stewardship wheel from now on. And a FHE on stewardship would be a good way to kick it off.We love starting the day eating bfast together and reading the scriptures it starts the day off so well doesn’t it?

I have to agree, the feeling in our home is so different from what it was before.

Lisa said:

i can’t believe you call those stewardships!! we called them that growing up and now i call them that to my own kids! can you give me an example of what their stewardships consist of in the morning? what about for those that go to school? is the schedule the same? and do they have chores in the afternoon too? maybe you’ll be doing an afternoon schedule for us too? i could so relate to you in how you used to send your girls to school. i’m doing better this year but wow did i feel guilty most days last year!

Here is the list of stewardships:
Hall & Entryway
Tom’s Room
Living Room

Very simple. This list doesn’t include the evening stewardships, the dishes are included in those. I will be posting and evening schedule tomorrow, as for the afternoon between 4:00 and 5:45ish is free time. I think that the kids need time to decompress after school and just have free play. At 4:00 when the kids get home from public school there is a small snack then they are sent outside to play. As for the morning schedule for my 2nd graders, it is pretty much the same, excepting at 8:30 she is out the door on her way to school.

I hope this helps a little. I know that if we all prayerfully seek help in the managment of our homes the Lord will direct us.

3 thoughts on “Morning, Part Deux

  1. Thank you so much for posting this. I am definitely a schedule oriented person and we have a schedule posted on our fridge too, but you have given me some GREAT ideas to improve and really gotten my mind working. Thank you so much for being willing to share. I look forward to hearing more.

  2. I pretty much feel the same things as the previous person who commented. You're amazing and I appreciate the time you take to post things that I can learn from you!

  3. I don't even have kids and I wish I could be that organized. No matter what time I wake up in the morning, I can't seem to get out of the door before 6:30. I've been waking up at 5 am, with only a shower and breakfast needing to be done, and still walking out at 6:45. And I'm not a huge hair and makeup kinda girl. Way to keep them going! You're teaching your kids valuable life skills (that I never learned!) :o)