The Little Punk Kids

Thank for bearing with me and looking at all the pictures of my kids I have been posting the last week or so.

I loved how they all turned out and I wanted to brag a little.

We took these pictures on a very stormy Friday evening in June, in the foothills of Lehi. There was a huge thunder storm rolling in behind us as we were snapping pictures, that is why Kallie and Katie’s pictures show their hair blowing in the wind. I love the effect. We finished just as the storm burst and ran to our cars in the pouring rain. Talk about good timing!

I would like to give credit where credit is due, the pictures were taken and edited by a very talented lady named Jennifer Williams.

5 thoughts on “The Little Punk Kids

  1. You might call them little puk kids; I call them delightful. I'll keep your photagrapher in mind for our next family reunion.

  2. Aimee, I've enjoyed all of the beautiful pictures of your kids 🙂 You have a beautiful family!

  3. Your children are adorable! And I love your mountains in the background-I miss them already, after being able to see them and walk beneath them for a few days. And P.S., thanks for the GREAT yogurt tutorial!