The Winter Blues revisited

I did a post last weeks expressing my frustrations and depression. This is the worst time of year for me, the cold and smoggy weather just beats into me. On top of the craziness that filled my world at the beginning of the year I was just not handling life very well.

I took everybody’s suggestions to heart and I really appreciate the advice. When it comes to the weather, there is nothing I can to do change that, so I will just have to wait that out. In the mean time I am going to start planning my spring garden and order seeds, that will give me something to look forward to.

As for the other things that were bothering me I realised that I just needed to take responsibility and stop waiting until I felt like it. Monday I sat down and figured out a master schedule, that way everybody in the house knows what is expected of them ahead of time, I find that makes for less complaining (I didn’t say no complaining, just less of it!) and I scheduled time for Family Prayer and Scripture study. There are no excuses now. It is also helping that the girls are back doing their stewardship’s, the house is picked-up most of the time and that leaves me less stressed and more able to focus my energy in other places.

I also decided that I needed to be slower and more deliberate. Instead of leaving something until the last minute and rushing through it like a stress crazed mad woman I needed to plan better, take things slower and enjoy the moment and do less. This is hard, but when I do it I feel so much better.

I also decided to give myself some time in the evening to relax and unwind. If the kitchen isn’t cleaned spotless at 9:30 that is just how it is going to be, I am going to stop and rest. So far that really hasn’t happened, because of my girls help the kitchen had been cleaned and the house picked up by 9 so I have had time to just relax.

I was able this last week to finish this blanket

It is for my sister who is having a baby right now, as I am typing she is in labor with her 4th baby. I am glad I got this blanket finished, I was worried that I might not. It was my first big crochet project and while it isn’t perfect (it is kind of crooked and the rows aren’t even) I am proud of it.
I have moved on to the next blanket, it is a little easier and I am having fun with this one.

I know about 10 gals (family and friends) who are going to have babies in June and July, I am going to try to make blankets for all of them, so I just might be doing a lot of crochet posts in the next few months! Crocheting is so relaxing for me, I feel productive, creative and the repetitiveness (word??) is soothing to me.

I have also been tackling some medical issues lately, and it is looking like they will be resolved, my energy is up and I am sleeping better. I might be able to start exercising soon. I haven’t exercised for a while, and I am sure some people think it is laziness but I promise it isn’t. I like the feeling of a good workout but for several months I have just been too tired. It isn’t the sleepy “I need to get to bed earlier” kind of tired. It is the bone weary my muscles are hurting kind of tired and in all honesty I just couldn’t exercise. I haven’t really told anyone about it, I am afraid of being labeled as lazy or having people think it is all in my head. Anyway, that is being resolved and when I know more for sure I will share.

So for now things are up, the sun is shinning, I am smiling, the bed is made and today is going to be a GREAT DAY!

11 thoughts on “The Winter Blues revisited

  1. That blanket is beautiful!!!! I love to crochet too, infact I’ve been doing some this morning. I’ve even rubbed off on my oldest. He made one of his sisters a scarf for our home made Christmas and since then he has made three more and a set of hot pads, he’s planning on opening a store and selling them online. Kids! They’re so funny.
    As for the tired. I’ll feel for you. I have hypo-thyroidism and when my dosage is off, I get incredibly tired and my mom has fibromyalgia (sp?) and she gets that way really easily. So there are those who won’t think it’s in your head. We’ve been there.
    Glad to hear you’ve started to figure it out. I’ll pray for you. Love ya tons,


  2. This time of year is hard for me to…

    Love your blankets they are lovely. I am teaching myself to crochet my son again has taught himself and has excelled. The little stinker LOL.

    I do the same at the last minute rush and them feel overwhelmed not all the time but this week is bad with trying to get over health stuff and some stress that hubby says “let it go!” Which is a lot easier said than done.

    But this weekend is our date weekend at the temple I can’t wait! We didn’t go in Dec with the holidays and I feel off because of it.


  3. Way to go on the blanket! I learned to crochet as a child, but I can’t remember how anymore. I also have thyroid problems and I know it’s no fun to feel tired all the time and not be able to do anything about it. Hang in there!

  4. your blankets are beautiful…i’m not that skilled of a crocheter to make my blankets that pretty…i do all right knitting however…i understand the bone weary tiredness, before i became pg, i was feeling that way a lot…who knows why it comes and goes, but it is so hard to deal with sometimes while it is here…the winter blues..i don’t know what it is like where you are, in michigan we have a world record (or we used to) for the most cloudy days in a row..maybe it was only a state record, but it gets pretty dull and dreary without the sun around to give us all that vitamin d we need so badly…i sympathize

  5. What great work you do! I’m sure your friends and family will be so blessed to receive a special blanket made by you, especially your sister.

    Many sweet blessings!

  6. I’m glad to hear you’re helping yourself feel better! I know there will always be those who will think it’s in your head and to pretend there won’t is just that – pretend. But just know that there are lots of us who are in it with you on the health problems (or other stuff) that effect energy, focus, etc. You’re not alone! It’s always better on the self esteem when you can accept that part of yourself and move on. I loved the visiting teaching message a few months ago that told us every part of ourselves is a gift from the Lord. And that includes our limitations!

  7. Please share what you’ve figured out health-wise. I’ve been battling it for years and they’ve never known why. And your blankies are awesome.

  8. If I did HALF the things you do, I would be bone-tired too! Your crocheting is beautiful–is there anything you CAN’T do?!

  9. That is exactly what I do when I am feeling down. For some reason I will follow a schedule, and cross off my lists, even when I don’t feel like doing anything. I love making master schedules.

    Good job with the blankets. I usually stick with crocheting booties for baby presents (because I don’t plan far enough ahead to make blankets!!)

  10. The mothers are going to love those blankets! How sweet of you!

    I too need to get our family on a better schedule. I’ve been letting it go by the wayside.

    You have a fantastic day. Keep smiling! 🙂


  11. I love to crochet! In fact, I have a blanket going right now; it’s for kids’ beds that can be traded amongst each other. Your baby blankets look so perfect. I really like the soft yarn and pastel colors for babies. Good job….really!!!