We Did It

As of today no more TV for us!
We canceled our Direct TV and since we can’t pick up any other signal, Digital or otherwise we are now totally TV free!!!

We have been talking about it for sometime now, the 60$ a month was a factor, but more convincing to us was the garbage that was being pumped into our home. If it wasn’t out right bad (language, sex and violence) it was mind numbing, and even if you were watching a “good” show you never knew what the commercials would be like.

We did sign up for net flix and so far we have liked the service. I am impressed by the selection.

Anyone else out there taken the plunge?

17 thoughts on “We Did It

  1. I am thinking about it, I am thinking about homeschooling as well. Just dont like what is being pumped into our kids, like you said. My kids go to a christian school, but…..some topics like certain people and tv shows have come up in a negative way. I don’e want to completly shelter them, but I also do not want to “throw them out there”. Im praying about it.
    I like your blog.

  2. Getting grid of the television was the best thing we could have done for our children’s educations and our family together time. We actually talk, read, and play together now.

  3. Good for you. We have TV, but only local channels, nothing special. We rarely ever watch it too. An hour or two on the weekend tops. I honestly don’t know where people find the time. I’m too busy! I’m interested to hear how it impacts your family.

  4. Hooray for you! This is awesome.

    We have TV service that we don’t pay for, but we pretty much never watch it, except for a bit of PBS for Red Chief.

    Like you, I think there’s just too much garbage on. There are much better things we can do with our time.

  5. We did it several months ago and it is amazing how little we miss it. I must admit I go through the occasional “John and Kate + 8” withdrawls, but I get over it quickly. It’s also striking the contrast in the mood and feeling around our house. The kids don’t really care much either and easily find other ways to entertain themselves. We sure do get a lot more work done!

  6. Good for you!!!! I think our house would crumble to the ground if we didn’t have a TV! Maybe someday…..

  7. Good job! We have rabbit ears on our tv still, but we don’t have the box for when digital kicks in , so that won’t be for long. We don’t have cable either though, we did away with that about 7 months ago.
    We LOVE netflix, I’m glad you do to.
    Good luck in your new lifestyle.

  8. We never watch TV anymore. We still get a few channels of local tv but the only one we watch is PBS. When we first got rid of it we did watch a lot of DVDs because it was difficult to break the habit of sitting and watching something but that tapered off soon enough.
    I turned on the TV the other morning and watched about 2 minutes of a morning talk show. After not watching that stuff for so long it was amazing to me how materialistic and worldly these shows are. Never fazed me before. I don’t miss the tv watching at all.

  9. I’ve been trying to convince my husband for years, unsuccessfully. I did keep cable out until 4 years ago and we went 2 years with only one station once.

  10. Good for you! We just went from having no tv for the last few years to having tv again. We are much more selective in what we watch and actually don’t watch it that much. I’m not sure its worth the cost of having it.

  11. we have been without “t.v.” for quite some time…our antenna doesn’t pick up anything and we can’t justify the cost of satellite or cable for nothing worth watching…it’s all mind numbing and rather silly…i do have a few fav shows i like, and i can always catch up on them (if i want) on the internet (most shows are online now as well)…we have a dvd player and a vcr on the t.v and that works well for us!

  12. I’ve never had cable in my adult life. Depending on which house we’ve lived in we’ve usually had a few channels, but I’m not a tv watcher. I have one show I watch on Thursday nights, so unless it’s a new episode I don’t even turn on the tv all week 🙂

  13. Welcome to the Dark Side bwhahahah! 😛 Going tv-free, before we even had Peapod, was a wonderful choice for our family. I can honestly say the only time I’ve missed having a television was during tornado watches or other bad weather events. The coverage on the battery powered storm radio just isn’t as dramatic as the television news. ;o)

  14. Great job! What an awesome choice for your family! I really wish we could do that, but like Jill my husband will not. We had cable and when I called them to uninstall it they came and took the box, but did not unhook it outside.

    Good luck and have fun being creative.

  15. I’d get rid of the TV in a heartbeat but my DH might just die of withdrawals. I hope some day he feels the same way about it as I do and then it can go! Congratulations on getting rid of it.