The Story

Dadzoo got this week off work, we were planning on a fabulous weekend…..
“The best laid plans of mice and men….”
Monday we had a huge big fat snow storm, and a neighbor got her car stuck in the snow at the end of the street. She called, knowing (or hoping) Dadzoo was around. He set off down the icy streets to try to help dig her out, when he was almost there he took a really bad fall.

So bad in fact, when he was finished falling the bottom half of his right leg was sticking out at an odd angle. Looking up he saw a snow plow making its way towards him, so using the shovel he hoisted himself up and heard a distinctive pop as his knee decided it wanted to go back into place. His left foot felt like fire and his right knee was beyond painful. Using the shovel as a cane he hobbled home.

I was in the kitchen when I heard the door open and he called to me. I knew by his voice that something wasn’t right. I went to him and found him leaning against the door frame, white as a ghost, his face stricken with pain and he could barely cry out “I fell, I am going to pass out”

Dadzoo is 6 foot 4 inches and weights 300 pounds.

I got him to the couch quick as lightening.

I started to take his shoes and pants off, and he was just crying with the pain (my poor tough man!) as he was telling me what happened. His face was so white and his skin was so cold, but he was sweating. I knew he was going into shock, and I knew that it was up to me, there was 4 inches of snow packed roads and 15+ miles between me and a hospital. I started in with all the right things, elevating his legs above his heart giving him a warm blanket, but after about 20 minutes he still wasn’t snapping out of it. I then found my essential oil book, looked up shock, and by the time I was finished applying the oils his color had come back, and excepting the pain was feeling better.

I knew we needed to get him to the hospital, they needed to check his knee and foot. The only problem was the roads, they were in no shaped to be driving on in a little mini van without 4 wheel drive.

This is where I started learning, and growing.

Dadzoo and I are very independent, we don’t ask for help, ever. When we do it is really hard and we have all sorts of guilt about it. For two reasons, we like to take care of ourselves and we don’t like to put people out. Well I knew I couldn’t do it myself. I couldn’t drive and I couldn’t take all 5 kids to the ER.

So I swallowed my pride and made some phone calls, within about 30 minutes I had all 5 kids taken care of and a ride to the ER. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful neighborhood family. Everybody just stepped right up and happily took care of me, my hubby and my children. I am so thankful.

After a very icy, slow and bumpy ride we finally made it to the ER and thankfully a wheel chair. Since he was in so much pain they got him in quickly and he was examined by a Doctor, who ordered x-rays.

As we were waiting he looked at me, his face white and said, I am going to pass out. I helped haul him onto the bed and he lay there very quietly until the little girl from radiology came to get him. The poor girl weighed about 100 pounds, and she was no help getting him back into the wheel chair. As soon as he was settled and she was getting ready to wheel him away, he lay his head against me and whispered “I am going to pass out.”……….Once again I haul him onto the bed, keeping in mind he can hardly move his right knee and left foot. He lay there, white as white and sweating like crazy. The poor radiology tech didn’t really know what to do and finally told us she would be back in a few minutes.

Once he was feeling better we again put him in the chair, and once again he got light headed. Finally our nurse came to check on us, wanting to know if we were back yet. I explained to her what was happening, she put Dadzoo on oxygen and a few minutes later a big strong man from radiology came to wheel Dadzoo in the whole bed for the x-rays.

About 20 minutes later Dadzoo was given some pain meds and prescription for some more, a knee brace and foot brace and crutches. There were no broken bones, only a “bad sprain”. He was told to keep off of it for a day or so ice it a bit and if it didn’t feel better to call our regular Doctor.

So we were thinking, “Great, no biggy a few days rest and things will be back to normal…right?”


9 thoughts on “The Story

  1. Wow! I hope besides the bad fall you had a wonderful Christmas!

    I remember all to well slipping on the ice when we lived in Montana and that was no fun. I slipped once while I was very pregnant and landed on my well padded behind. I hand contrations all night but nothing major. The Dr said my butt help cushion the fall.LOL

    We had a nice relaxing Christmas warm and humid it was in the upper 70’s to 80’s and very humid. It didn’t feel like christmas at all without the cold.


  2. Poor Dadzoo! And all this at Christmas! Great nursing skills on your part, though. Hopefully recovery is just around the corner….or two.

  3. Such suspense! I hope he gets feeling better, and that you can still have a great vacation, whether out and about or around the couch.

    When Mr. Mordecai broke some bones on his bike, I couldn’t believe all the things they did to him before he had painkillers . . . x-rays, CAT scan . . . why can’t they just dish ’em out first? Poor guy.

  4. So sorry about Mike. I hope he gets feeling better and hopefully he can go back to work soon.

  5. Shoot! That’s the worst!

    My hubby offered to contact a few guys from work to see if he can arrange a carpool situation until Dadzoo can drive again if you guys want. He’d come get your hubby himself if you weren’t on the other side of the stinkin’ lake!

  6. UGH! I’m SO sorry that happened! Please let me know how I can help (tend kids?) when you have more appts and/or the MRI! You know the girls never finished their movie, and would probably like the chance!