Either my hands are numb, or I am turning into a Nut Case!

The reason I do


On a day like


Is because of


We have used 365 less in kwh less last month than the same time last year.

We are using 15 kwh less on average per day than last year.

That is $1.08 less a day that we are spending on electricity.

A dollar a day doesn’t seen like much when it is 25 degrees outside and you and hanging up wet clothes. However that translates to 32.40 dollars a month or 388.80 dollars a year.

Not too shabby.

10 thoughts on “Either my hands are numb, or I am turning into a Nut Case!

  1. Maybe it is both? I love hanging my laundry. I got out of the habit when I moved to NC (it was so humid it would never dry on its own). I have seriously considered starting up here again. I even have the perfect spot in mind.

  2. I love the clothesline! Hanging clothes is relaxing. Even in the cold. It saves so much money to. I have been using the dryer alot this week because of the rain. I need to get me some wooden racks mine were damaged with Hurricane Katrina and I never replaced them.

    You asked the size of our Stake compared to Utah it is big in miles it goes from one side of Miss to the other and almost to Jackson the capital. The 3 coastal counties are all one Stake and then ours is above that. Our little branch covers 3 full counties and we have about 250 members. I know 110 sisters. But square miles I am not sure exact numbers.


  3. That’s some awesome savings! I have fond childhood memories of seeing my Momma hang clothes out to dry.

  4. I love my clothesline, too, but don’t think I’d be as brave as you to use it during the winter. The savings is really worth the extra effort, though! Good for you!!!!