The Christmas wish list part II

After posting Punk #1’s hilarious and strange Christmas wish list I thought I should do some explaining. My little daughter is a Geologist, or at least a Geologist in training (good guess Mr. Jeanette). After school she loves to go up in the hill behind our house and collect rocks. Then she brings them to the back step and does this:

For hours and hours she sits there and breaks apart those rocks with a hammer. She knows which rock have little crystals in them and which rocks break apart easily along lines.

She is our little Geologist.

Last Saturday Dadzoo took her to Home Depo, he needed some paint for a project. She came home with these:

Her very own hammer and protective eye gear. She is so excited, Dadzoo will no longer worry about her losing his hammer and Momzoo won’t worry about flying rocks hitting her eyes.

It was a win-win purchase.

So when she gave me her rather unusual Christmas list I wasn’t very surprised (this coming from a girl who wanted to be a Pickle for Halloween when she was three) and she gave me detailed reasons behind every item.

In case you all were wondering here is her list and reasoning:

A bottle of vinegar: to test rocks, you can tell different types of rock by how they react with certain chemicals, and since she is 9 she is limited to vinegar. She once used a whole gallon on a Saturday afternoon.
Tweezers: So she can easily pick up small sparkly rocks.
A box of baggies: To keep her collections of favorite rocks, since she had been baned from using mine. You have no idea how fast she can go through a box of 500 baggies.
A box of garbage sacks: So she can break-up her rocks on top of this, for easy clean up.
Work gloves: To protect her hands of coarse.

Some small jars: For her very favorite and smallest specimens.
A tool belt: To hold the hammer, eye glasses and other various tools, especially beneficial when working in the field.
Rock tumbler & Rock polishing kit: A necessary tool in any aspiring Geologist collection.

That’s my girl!

10 thoughts on “The Christmas wish list part II

  1. What a great kid!!! I love her Christmas wish list!!! I really have enjoyed reading your posts, and will be going back to read more!


  2. There have been times when I have come home and can hear the bang, bang, bang of her working on the back porch. I sometimes walk around the house and go in that door just to say Hi to her first.

  3. You need to get her a jeweler’s/gemologist’s loupe. It’s a tiny magnifying glass that magnifies to 10x that rests on your finger and you hold it up to your eye. They’re only like $12. I know because I got one for myself. Because I like to look at rocks.

  4. Thats neat!
    Way to go girl!
    The hammer and glasses was a cute thing that will be a special memory for her and her dad when she grows up.

  5. Hee hee. Mr. Jeanette. I’m gonna start calling him that. 🙂
    I think that is really awesome. (That she wants to be a geogist, not calling my hubby Mr. Jeanette although that is pretty fun too.) 🙂
    Might she like Geology Rocks by Cindy Blobaum or Geology Crafts for Kids by Alan Anderson?
    I was literally just looking at these books last night and considering them for my niece. They are both full of geology activities etc that look like they could be fun.

  6. Clever girl! And she’s only 9? Wow! She really has this geology thing down well. It’s great when a child seriously finds something they’re really interested in.

    Maybe one of those rocks will turn out to be precious gem; she’ll become famous, and you can retire early!

  7. My daughter has loved rocks since she was really young and she’s a total girly-girl. It’s funny the interests some kids have.

  8. when i originally read her list, i sat there going “she’s into making jewelry, or she really likes rocks!” i’m glad to see i was at least partially right! aimee, i’ve tagged you! please head on over to my blog, pick up your tag, and follow the instructions when you have the time, thanks!