Happiness, Joy and Contentment

I have been thinking a lot about joy and happiness and contentment.

What are they? How do we find it?

We all know people whose lives are a series of one bad thing after another. Some people are happy and upbeat, optimistic and you would hardly know the sorrow and discouragement they have faced. Others are sad, discouraged and sour, they don’t exude happiness and their general life view is jaded.

Why is that?

Is joy a choice?

7 thoughts on “Happiness, Joy and Contentment

  1. Yes it is!! See my post for a terrific quote.
    I think everyday is what you make it, and surely you can find joy in any situation, sometimes you just have to think outside the box!!

  2. I think it is. I look at people who grew up in similar homes to mine or that had marriages that had the same problems as mine did and they’re sad and angry and distrustful. I feel like I am who I am because of what I’ve been through! I think people’s personalities definitely play a part, but ultimately the choice is yours.

  3. Yes, I have to say joy and contentment are choices. I read a great book on this subject called the mind and the brain, which was very insightful.

  4. I think it’s absolutely a choice.
    “No one can make you feel inferior, without your persmission”-Eleanor Roosevelt. It works with all emotions. I love the book The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. How her sister always finds something to be thankful for, even in their horrible circumstances is amazing.

  5. I think most people have a choice in the matter. I also think that life is cyclical and sometimes what I can handle with joy and strength can another time can bring me to my knees (but then that is probably where I need to be).

    However real mental illness, like all other illnesses, is not a choice and should be treated, like other illnesses, with medicine. Other than that, I think it is largely a personal choice.

  6. Charlotte, you are exactly right. There are times that we need help so we can find our joy.