I usually don’t get political…..


This is the reason Dadzoo and I are seriously looking into homeschooling

That teacher bullied those children.

Teachers should be sticking to reading, writing, math and some arts.

Stay away from the political junk!

8 thoughts on “I usually don’t get political…..

  1. That was horrible!
    I am 99% sure I will be homeschooling my kids. My reasons are not really political or religious but when I see something like that it makes me glad I am probably going to home school my kids.

  2. Call me girlie! I am starting in January with K12 with my 2 boys! I have been having second thoughts about my son for the last 2 years. He hasn’t learned much! So horrid, but I work with him about 1 hour a day anyways, drop me an email! I just got his stuff going today! So crazy that you posted this!

  3. We go to a charter school and absolutely love it. I truly believe it’s one of the best schools in the state.

  4. Oh my! One of the many reasons we homeschool our kids. We are going year 9 and I don’t regret a single minute!

  5. As Toni stated – this is also one of the MANY reasons we also home educate our children.

    Just a quick note … we have not always home schooled. Our oldest, graduated from public education. We removed our middle child upon completion of 7th grade. After 3-4 months of transision, for him and me, we decided we’d NEVER go back. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the improvements home education has made within our family.

    mrs. b