Our System of Government

The other night the punk children of the family decided to vote on whether or not they had to do their daily steward ships on weekends. Of coarse they won by a simple majority and they cheered thinking they had obtained victory. Dadzoo quickly reminded them that our home is not a Republic or a Democracy, that it is a Dictatorship and that he, Dadzoo, was the Royal Dictator.

Later as we were talking about our system of government we decided that it had to be something other than a dictatorship, being that Dadzoo’s rule was religiously backed. He is after all the head of our home by divine right. I, the honorable Queen Mother, (as I at times make the kids call me) made a call to the smarty-pants-college-boy-baby-brother of mine and asked if there was a name for the system of government that was religiously based. Without skipping a beat he said, “Oh yeah, it is called a Theocracy.”

So there you have it, my home is a Theocracy.

Nuff Said!

5 thoughts on “Our System of Government

  1. What? You mean we aren’t supposed to let the kids vote on everything? But how else do you get cookies for dinner and TV all night?

    Theocracy. Never thougth about it, but I guess that is how we rule the family. Very clever.

  2. And it’s been working since the first family was established. lol! That’s our system of government as well. But I’ll have to take a note from you and every once in awhile make the children call me Queen Mother. lol!
    Peace, Kris