Apple Budda

Apple Budda!

Last year I made my first batch of Apple Butter,

and I was HOOKED!
so this year I knew I had to make some more.

First I cut up enough apple to fill my crock-pot

Then I dumped about 3 cups of sugar on top

and I sprinkled it with generous amounts of cinnamon and cloves
I would have use nutmeg too, but I was out

Then I stirred it all up and added a couple of cups of water.
I turned my crock-pot on low
and went to bed.

I had yummy cinnamon apple dreams…the house smelled wonderful!

In the morning this is what it looked like.

Brown and bubbly and cooked nice and soft.

At this point you could run it through a food mill

but I like it chunky, and I just bottle it like it is here.

Once I got my first batch processing I started on the second one.
I cut up enough apples to fill my big pot,
adding the same amount of sugar and spices.

I don’t follow a recipe when it comes to the sugar and spices,
I just do what tastes good to me
and I like my budda sweet!

I brought it to a boil and let it cook for about an hour
it cooks down quite a bit.

The apples need to be nice and soft and spreadable.

Now, that is where I ran into a problem with my second batch.
I am not patient enough.
I was wanting to get this done, so I took them off a little too soon and the apples didn’t get as soft as I really liked.

Oh well

It still tastes yummy, it is just a little chunkier.

I process them in a water bath for 20 minutes

(that time is adjusted for my altitude)

Here are the bottles from batch one and batch two.
It is easy to tell the difference.



Today (Wednesday) I made spiced apple syrup with the apple juice I made the day before…..stay tuned!

You should smell my house!

10 thoughts on “Apple Budda

  1. Hun… Can we have pancakes and apple butter for dinner tonight?

    I am looking forward to tasting this batch.

  2. yummy! my favorite thing to eat at my aunt’s house as a kid was apple pancakes with apple cider syrup! you know how to do so much “stuff”! seriously, you’re my idol! i’ve never learned how to do half the stuff you do! so I can help run PTA and volunteer stuff…that won’t feed the family in a disaster! when I can afford to buy the equipment needed, I’m so doing this next season!

  3. I was going to call you and get this recipe. I LOVED the jar you brought to me…I will never forget that! I will try and get busy next week.

  4. My sister just got a couple of boxes of apples from people her husband works with and I sent her over to your site for ideas on what to do with them.

  5. I love how fallish your blog looks. I am so glad that you love canning and that it makes you happy. Hope Mike K got his yummy pancakes and apple butter for dinner. Love you guys.

  6. Looks so good! I am supposed to make some apple butter this weekend but my sister wants us to hang out at her house this weekend have a big family brunch before conference. So I don’t know if I’ll be dong it.
    Last time I made some it turned out a little too thick for my liking. I hoping I’ll get a better consistency this time.

  7. I learned to make apple butter this year. So far I’ve made 4 crockpots (the 6 qt size crockpot). I cook mine for about 12 hours each and by then I can take a whisk and a wide spoon with holes/not slots (don’t know what you call it) and mush the apples. I put the apple butter in jars for immediate use or give away and freezer containers to freeze. All my neighbors have gotten a jar or tub and I have plenty in the freezer for later.
    Two of the batches I mixed a few pears in for ‘texture’ because they needed to be used. I also made a batch of pearsauce… like applesauce but with pears and have use almost all of that. Best part is all the fruit was given to me. It sure is nice to have a neighbor that works in the produce department of the local grocery store because I can get all the over-ripe fruit and produce for free!!