Pantry Dinner #4 and 5

On Thursday we had a celebration! Here in Utah the 24th of July is a holiday to commemorate the Mormon Pioneers arriving in the Salt Lake Valley. My friend Shimmy Mom did a great post on why we celebrate.

We went to my Mom’s house and had a barbecue, so I did have to break down and go buy some hamburger buns (I could have been more on top of it and made them myself).

Friday Dadzoo and I went on a date! Yipee! We went to dinner, and Italian restaurant, my favorite and then we saw a movie (the new x-files, we are both x-files junkies!). Our neighbor came over and watched our kids for us. I had watched their little boy several time and they wanted to return the favor. I told then that it wasn’t a fair trade, one boy for 5 punks, but they insisted! We had a great time. The kids got ramen noodles for dinner, it is quick and easy, even though when it come to nutrition it falls flat on its face! I don’t serve them noodles very often.

Tonight I am cooking chicken Salsa, it is one of my staples! YUM!

One thought on “Pantry Dinner #4 and 5

  1. My kids LOVE ramen noodles. I have a son that would have them everyday for lunch if I’d let him!
    I love date night. MBC took me to a new Indian place on Friday and they even had belly dancers. It was tons of fun and way yummy.