The Quiet Art of "Being There"

The quiet art of being there.

It isn’t expensive, it isn’t loud. It takes a lot of time, with very little preparation. It doesn’t require a grocery store, mall, or gas station. You don’t have to wash it, scrub it, shine it or dry it. It comes without parts, instructions or power tools.

It is a whisper, a kiss, a pat on the head. It is blowing bubbles on a sunny afternoon. It is a band-aid on a skinned knee, a tissue on tears, and a hug when the world seems out to get you. It is a feverish baby and a rocking chair in the middle of the night. It is sidewalk chalk and a welcome home message for Daddy. It is a sticky fist full of dandelions and running through the sprinklers on a hot afternoon. It is a stocking hat, gloves and a scarf on a cold morning and hot chocolate when you get home. It is that special dress washed and ironed for that special day. It is a story book at bed time and sugar sprinkled on cheerios. It is waving at the bus as it pulls away, cutting the crusts off of PB&Js and finding the first flower of spring. It is sunsets, and sunrises and a pile of ants. It is a silly dance, a silly song and learning your ABC’s. It is a warm bed after a bad dream and soft arms pulling you close. It is a smile, a cheer, it is a safe place.

It is a Mother.

The quiet art of being there.

Swing on over to Biblical Womanhood and see what others are doing to make their home a haven.

8 thoughts on “The Quiet Art of "Being There"

  1. What a beautiful post! I completely agree. This is why we stay home with our kids.

  2. So sweet. Reminds you why we do it. There’s no place I’d rather be. Happy Mother’s Day to YOU this weekend!

  3. That was just perfect. It made me teary, I had a “bad mom day” yesterday and that totally made me remember why I am doing what I am I loved it, and happy mothers day!!

  4. Happy Mopther’s Day! It is so hard to forget the good stuff when it is so hard in the moments. You said it beautifully. and “Being There” never ends…even when the kids are grown up and raising their own kids…it is so important to ALWAYS be available!

  5. This is so beautiful Aimee “the quiet art of being there” : )

    ‘Course i don’t think it’s just limited to those women who are blessed with having children but also those of us who cannot. Our partners, our homes, too so much need our quiet art of being there i think.

    Hope you are feeling better Aimee. And that you have been having a truly blessed Mother’s Day : ) Wendy

  6. Thank you for this! My mom stayed home with us when I was a child and I often say this…I don’t remember specific moments so much as I remember a steady feeling of warmth and security that pervaded my life. It is a precious, precious gift. Time truly was slower, more tender, and guarded beautifully by my loving mother. I hope to provide that to my own children. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. By the way, I LOVE your opening picture of mom feeding the family horse!! That is priceless!

  7. What a beautiful post. I agree that “being there” is one of the most important things a mother can do.