
Usually on Friday’s I do a Mr. Fluffy post, but today I just don’t have the heart. I am still trying to lose the pounds I gained over Valentine’s Day; it is going to set me back a whole month. I get so frustrated with myself. Why do I do this! Why, for the momentary pleasure of a chocolate candy or a hamburger, do I sabotage my dreams and goals of being at a healthy, attractive weight? You would think I could stay focused, you would think all the down sides would keep me on track. They don’t. You would think sitting at a family party and looking over everyone and realizing that I am the biggest person there, besides my husband (we are a pudgy couple) would kick my butt into gear. It makes me so sad, and depressed and frustrated; all I want to do is go home and eat something sweet to sooth myself. You would think that the fact that nothing in my closet fits me would be a motivator; it only makes me want to reach for another Dove Chocolate. I am so frustrated, I want to get past this mental block, but I don’t know how. I know the formula to losing weight is to eat less and move more, but there just seems to be so much more to this. I spent my twenty’s having babies, nursing babies and gaining weight. I don’t want to spend my thirties waddling around after those babies.

6 thoughts on “Sigh…..

  1. I hear ya! I having been trying to watch what i eat too, but then for lunch I think hmmm a bowl of ice cream sounds delightful! It’s an uphill battle for sure! BUT YOU CAN DO IT I KNOW YOU CAN!!!

  2. Aimee, we need to have an afternoon together when I can teach you about this nifty trick I know called “reframing.” I think it could help! Here’s how it was explained to me. Pretend you were a little girl and saw a tree of unripe apples. You wanted apples, so you filled your little skirt with them and gobbled them down, making you really sick. Now as an adult you hate green apples. So you go back and introduce a new thought process – something like, “green apples are good but UNRIPE apples are bad” – and it changes how you think about things and how you live your life. And I’m telling you, it works.

  3. They call it COMFORT food for a reason. It comforts us, that’s why it’s so hard to say no. I have the same problem. It is true that you should eat less (or just better) and move more, but it’s almost impossible to do it all at once. I heard some great advice once that you should start with the moving part. Once you’ve gotten to where you exercise on a regular basis for 1 month, THEN you start working on what you eat too. Take it a step at a time and you’ll get there. (I don’t know if you like fruit, but that helps me. If I have a sweet fruit around, it’s a lot easier to say no to sweet treats.)

  4. The thing that frusterates me the most is that I know how to do it. Before I had Tom I lost 30 pounds. I know what I need to do, I know how to do it, I know what my body needs. I just need to get past the mental block.

  5. When I’ve set goals like that I’ve always felt like the hardest part is about six weeks into it. For some reason I do really well until I hit that six week mark and then I really struggle. Hang in there. It’s frustrating, but the most important thing is that you stick with it and don’t quit even if you feel like it.

  6. I know how you feel! I know when we were both going to WW meetings, the support we had was amazing! I miss those meeting and my ones here in Springville, suck! I’ve tried the online thing, but it does nothing for me. It’s like you said, you have all the tools, but why is it so hard? I’ve recognized that I need support, and when I get stressed I remove myself from the house. Lame, I know, but it really helps. I refocus by saying my goals outloud and tell myself that I deserve better than sabotaging my efforts that I worked all week for. Stress is a big factor as well. If your WHY is strong, you will reach your goals! I’ve seen you do it, you are amazing and talented- YOU CAN DO IT! Just remember “Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!” LOVE YA!