
In October I decided that I needed to get up and cook breakfast for the family. I wanted us to all sit down at a meal together at the start of the day, to pray and read scriptures. Now anyone who knows me well will understand how hard this is for me. I love to sleep in, getting up any time before 9:00 is a struggle. My perfect schedule would be bed time at 2 am and wake up at 10. Too bad the rest of the world doesn’t work that way. Seriously between 9 pm and 2 am I do my best work. So for me to drag my sorry behind out of bed at 6:30 to cook breakfast, smile and actually be nice to people is really hard. Regardless, this is what I did; I got up, cooked breakfast, smiled and was nice to my kids and hubby at 6:30 in the morning. I have really loved it. It seems to center the family; we get to talk to our kids in the morning before they run off into the world. We have a time to pray, and study scripture. It has become something I look forward to instead of dread!

Over the Christmas break I didn’t get up, I was too tired and the thought of sleeping in was too wonderful. My Partner in Crime was fine with that, he didn’t complain. He got up, showered, skipped breakfast and left without a lunch while we were all sleeping. He remarked a few days later that he kept forgetting to take his medicine in the mornings because I wasn’t there to give it to him with breakfast and that he just felt “off”. I laughed and said “you mean your day doesn’t go right when I don’t fix you breakfast and give you a kiss as you walk out the door?” In all seriousness he said “yes”.



It sure feels great to be needed.


One thought on “Needed

  1. More guilt! Ahh, I’ve thought a million times that I need to drag my sorry butt out of bed when Trav. gets up so that I can send him off properly and actually exercise before my kids get up for school (and to get school started on time, because I’m usually still in bed when we should start.) I guess that I need to care a little more about that and a little less about my sleep eyh?!