Emma Lou

Emma Lou, she is punk number 4. She is the baby girl, and boy does she know it!

I sing a little song to her, it goes something like this: “Emma Lou, is a poo, Emma Lou Lou’s a poo poo…” She turns down her little mouth into a sad pout, drops her head and says “I not a poo poo I a bootiful grill! I da baba grill!!”
Tonight, she wet her pants, because she refuses to get on the potty by herself. When I found her with her pants dropped to her ankles and a puddle around her feet, she got a swat on the butt. She ran crying to her Daddy and said “Mama spank my butt, it hurt worse than anyfing in my whole wife!”

(I love this picture, she is holding her arms in the air, being all brave, the ride hasn’t even started yet!)

Punk number 4, she really is a “bootiful grill” She will come up to me, for no reason, and wrap her pudgy little arms around my legs and say “you are my favortiest mama in da whole world!”

Those are the moments in mommyhood, the moments that cut through the clutter, nosie and distraction, that make it all worth it.
Emma Lou, you are my favoritest Punk #4 in the whole wide world!!!

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