Family Logistics, When Life is Crazy


The month of November was c.r.a.z.y.  Between Dadzoo being gone for 10 days, to sick kids, Thanksgiving and a family vacation there was not one week that was even close to normal.  So how do you keep to a schedule when the weeks doesn’t go as planned?  (For my weekly schedule, go HERE).  Here is what I found, having a weekly schedule made handling the difference easier.  Yes, easier!  For example, the week of Thanksgiving I knew what household chores needed to be done that week, I knew I had to get it all done by Wednesday, so I could plan to double up.  On Monday I baked and worked on laundry, Tuesday I finished the laundry and did my office day, Wednesday we cleaned the house, which freed up Thursday so I could pack and have Thanksgiving dinner with Dadzoo’s parents, we left for vacation early Friday morning.  I was amazed at how easily I was able to move things around and still get everything done.


The "Zoo" at Mt. Rushmore

December, strangely enough, looks to be a bit calmer.  Now if I can get my Christmas lists organised and finished…..

3 thoughts on “Family Logistics, When Life is Crazy

  1. Too busy but fun! Sounds like you’re doing real well. I just had surg, so my schedule is being taken very lightly right now. Having a schedule does help quite a bit to keep me on track.

  2. Superwoman! That’s fabulous that you did all those things and survived well! Cute family picture too. I hope your December really is calmer – enjoy it.