Clothesline, Bestill My Heart

I have always enjoyed using a clothesline, for so many reasons.

I love being out in the sunshine and fresh air
I love the quiet as I hang laundry
I love listening to the birds
I love feeling the sun on my neck
(while not as romantic)
I love the energy savings, sunshine is free, I don’t pay for it
I love how fresh and clean the laundry smells
I love the disinfectant power of sunlight
I love the whitening power of sunlight

Saturday Dadzoo made me a clothesline

Monday as I was walking out to the line to hang a load of diapers I found that I needed to add another “love” to my list.I LOVE that view.
How lucky am I that I get to look at THAT while doing laudry!

6 thoughts on “Clothesline, Bestill My Heart

  1. I LOVE hanging laundry out to dry for all the reasons you mentioned:) Congrats on your new clothesline…I’ve been using a clothesrack but am hoping to come up with some sort of clothesline before long.
    Blessings from the PNW,

  2. I love my clothesline, too! I stopped using my dryer as of April 1st, and I’ve only missed it one time when I accidentally washed a bunch of clothes right before two days of rain. I won’t go back to the electric dryer if I can help it.